Friday, November 20, 2015

Mid-Way Through Rotation 1

We have been working in Rotation 1 for about two weeks.  The students are beginning to get the hang of the student-centered learning modules.  They are really enjoying working with the different pieces of equipment and technology.  Below is a quick glance at some of their activities.

One of the most popular modules is Digital Manufacturing which has a 3D printer.  Here is a look of the design process from computer to finished!


Monday, November 2, 2015

Rotation 1

We have made it through orientation with our new learning management system. The students are very excited to be doing their first rotation in the different modules. Look how engaged they are!!!

Flight Technology Module

 Robotics Module

 Digital Music Module

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Our STEM Lab equipment came in!!!!!!

The equipment we have been waiting for ALL school year came in on Monday. It was like Christmas came early. The students, as well as myself, were extremely excited. We examined each box!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pipe Cleaner Challenge

Last week we took on the Pipe Cleaner Challenge during class. This was a fun, inexpensive way to introduce the students to STEM learning. They were paired with new partners and faced an added challenge of working with someone they were not familiar with. Prior to coming to class I grouped 15 pipe cleaners per team by wrapping a pipe cleaner around a bundle of 14. I assigned roles to the students based on common birthday months. Once grouped, I explained the challenge to the class. Their challenge was to build the highest, free-standing tower using only pipe cleaners. I then handed out a packet of rules and questions for them to complete during and after they build. The students then got to work! As the groups were constructing their towers, I added in a few obstacles to overcome. After the first 5 minutes I called "freeze". I explained that their company underwent budget cuts and they lost resources. Each team member had to put one arm behind their back and continue to build. This lasted about 3 minutes. I then informed them that their company relocated to a new country. They regained their resources (their arm), however, they could not speak the same language. Now they had to work in silence! After about 5 minutes of silence, I let them know a translator was hired and they could communicate verbally again. As I walked around the classes, I saw students learning to depend on team members and try to communicate without speaking. I believe they are starting to understand the importance of teamwork!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Cup Challenge

Today, as a class, we discussed the importance of working in teams, in STEM class and in life. This lead to our team building activity, the "Cup Challenge". Prior to the students coming to class, I tied either three or four pieces of yarn to a rubber band, counted out six plastic cups, and made note cards with each member of the group's role. The materials collector gathered the materials and put materials away when they finished. The starter arranged the cups in the starting position each time. And, the recorder took notes to share with the class on the difficulties and successes that the group experienced. I assigned the roles for each group member by random draw, and after I explained the challenge the students got to work. After getting the materials, the starter placed three cups upside down with one cup right side up on top of the previously placed cups. Then the students used their "tool" to rearrange the cups to make a pyramid with three cups on the bottom, two cups in the middle and one on top.
Many of the groups conquered the challenge quickly. As I walked around the classes I overheard students trying to work together. Some students would ask "how are we supposed to do this?" I explained that STEM class was about critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. In STEM class we think outside of the box to solve a problem. It was great to see the students actively engaged and having fun!